Wednesday 30 January 2008

Nine years ago today, I purchased my from St George Aquariums in Rockdale. With the death of my blue tang last year, this angelfish is now my oldest fish.

This angelfish went straight into my 6' tank and has been in the tank ever since. It has not grown a lot in the 9 years. It was around 70mm long when I got it and is now around 80mm.

Over the 9 years it has shared the tank with various other angelfish which have since died:

It now shares the tank with a flame angelfish, . There was some initial aggression directed from the C. eibli against the C. loricula, but that died down and now there is only the occasional scrap.

Centropyge eibli
The Eibl’s angelfish, C. eibli in May 2006.