Would you like to make a donation?
I maintain this site for the benefit of marine aquarists everywhere and I provide it free of charge. I do this in my own time and for my own enjoyment. I also purchase test and other equipment with my own money, again because I enjoy it. People using my site should not feel under any obligation.
Of course, if people would like to express their thanks to me by making donations, I will be more than happy. :-)
I have provided buttons below to make it easy to make a donation. I accept the donations in Australian and US dollars. Australian based users should use Australian dollars so you don't get hit with the exchange rates. Everyone else should use US dollars. Donate as little or as much as you want.
In Australia?
To make a donation in Australian Dollars, please click this button:
Outside Australia?
To make a donation in US Dollars, please click this button:
Thanks for visiting,
Last updated: 26 September 2007