May 2008 MASS Meeting
Sunday 29 June 2008
Here are some photographs taken at the May 2008 MASS Meeting held and Andrew Turvy's house in Engadine.
June 2008 MASS Meeting
Wednesday 25 June 2008
Here are some photographs taken at the June 2008 meeting of the Marine Aquarium Society of Sydney held at Sean Inkster's home on the Central Coast last Sunday.
Some Tank and Fish Photographs
Saturday 21 June 2008
Yesterday I did water changes on the three tanks in the house: 6', 180G and 60G. With the glass clean I thought it would be a good opportunity to take some photographs of the tanks and the fish.
Cryptocaryon and Hyposalinity
Tuesday 17 June 2008
I recently answered some questions from a reader about Cryptocaryon and hyposalinity. I thought others might benefit from making my answers available so I have expanded on the answers I provided to the reader.
My New Blog
Monday 16 June 2008
I'd like to announce my new blog. As I haven't had time to write articles or update other areas of my site, I have decided to keep a blog to provide updates.
Cleaner Wrasse 9 Years Today
Wednesday 20 February 2008
Nine years ago today I caught my oldest cleaner wrasse at Shelly Beach near Manly. This is now my second oldest fish. It has been in my 6' tank for its whole time in captivity, other than the 2 weeks it spent in quarantine after it was first caught.
Eibl’s Angelfish - 9 Years Today
Wednesday 30 January 2008
Nine years ago today, I purchased my from St George Aquariums in Rockdale. With the death of my blue tang last year, this angelfish is now my oldest fish.
Blue Tang Dies
Tuesday 8 May 2007
It was a sad day indeed when I found my blue tang dead. At the time it died, I'd had the fish for 8 years, 8 months and 16 days. It had been unwell for more than a month but I was unable to determine what was wrong with it.
Blue Tang - 8 Years Today!
Tuesday 22 August 2006
Eight years ago today I acquired my blue tang, , my longest surviving fish, in recent times.
Brown Tang and False Clown Anemonefish Die
Sunday 12 March 2006
While doing a water change on the 6' tank on 12 March, a number of the fish started behaving oddly, in particular the 3 anemonefish (Amphiprion melanops, A. percula and A. ocellaris). They were breathing heavily either at the surface of the water or on the bottom of the tank. I managed to move all 3 anemonefish to my quarantine tank but the other inhabitants (cleaner wrasse, 2 angelfish and brown tang) were all in hiding.
Black Anemonefish Dies
Thursday 2 February 2006
Unfortunately, one of my black anemonefish, Amphiprion melanopus, disappeared on 31st January 2006 and despite my attempts I was not able to find it. On 2nd February 2006, the body floated to the edge of the weir. It is very sad after 7 years in my care to lose this fish and not even know why it died.
Brown Sailfin Tang and Black AnemoneFish - 7 Years Today
Tuesday 24 January 2006
Seven years ago today I acquired my brown sailfin tang, Zebrasoma scopas, and my black anemonefish, .
Conspicuous Angelfish Dies
Wednesday 19 January 2005
I was devastated to discover my most prized fish, conspicuous angelfish, Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus, had died. These are rare fish even to purchase and I had caught mine in May 2004.
Conspicuous Angelfish Caught at Seal Rocks
Sunday 30 May 2004
On 29th May, 2004, I caught a tiny conspicuous angelfish Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus. I was diving at Seal Rocks (3 hours north of Sydney) and was chasing a purple-yellow seaperch . The seaperch swam behind some sea urchins in a crevice. I carefully removed the sea urchins with my dive knife to reveal the seaperch and the angelfish. While I tried to catch the angelfish, the seaperch kept getting in the way. I had to catch the seaperch first and place it in a collection bag before I could get the angelfish. The angelfish was reasonably easy to catch.