

We got Angus on the 15th of September 2003. He was handed into our local vet with a couple of other kittens.

On the new shelf behind the new monitor. 29 May 2008.

Out on the lawn. 27 October 2007.

Helping in the pantry. 5 September 2007.

In the chair where he slept the night. 30 July 2007.

"Do you come here often?" 3 July 2007.

"I've come to suck your blood!". 23 February 2007.

Angus gets a new box. 3 October 2006.

Outside. 2 October 2006.

A new game. He likes to ride around in his open top (box) while being dragged at high speed. 23 June 2006.

He likes paper bags. 6 June 2006.

A spot of filing. 9 May 2006

Asleep on my monitor. 5 May 2006

Any place is good for a sleep. 20 April 2006

Relaxing in the garden. 10 October 2005

Being attacked by Oscar. 21 April 2005

Being attacked by Oscar. 21 April 2005

A classic style portrait. 13 April 2005

I can roll my tongue. 3 April 2005.

Yawning. 8 March 2005.

Inspecting a frog in a bucket. 20 February 2005

On the back step. 5 November 2004.

Drinking from a bucket. 5 September 2004.

Reflecting on life. 26 May 2004.

I have to wear this harness. 1 March 2004.

A fluffy pillow. 20 February 2004.

Just here is fine, thanks. 3 February 2004.

NUTRI-GRAIN. Iron Cat food! 3 February 2004.

This chair is mine. 2 February 2004.

On the back step. 3 December 2003

Tarting it up on one of the beds. 30 November 2003

On the pool table. 11 November 2003

Watching the 6' tank. 25 October 2003

In the garden at 13 to 15 weeks old. 24 October 2003

The day we got him. He was around 8 to 10 weeks old. 15 September 2003

Last updated: 29 May 2008

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