On the new shelf behind the new monitor. 29 May 2008. |

In the garden. 28 October 2007. |

In a basket where she slept the night. 30 July 2007. |

In the garden. 17 July 2007. |

In the Sun. 2 October 2006. |

Hunting. 13 May 2006. |

A spot of filing. 9 May 2006. |

On the monitor 2 May 2006. |

Getting Dr Harry. 20 April 2006. |

On the roof. 7 January 2006. |

Inspecting the frog with Angus looking on from a safe distance. 20 February 2005. |

Inspecting a frog in the bucket. 20 February 2005. |

That face. 16 February 2005. |

Shh! Don't wake her. 9 September 2004. |

Hello up there! 5 September 2004. |

Drinking out of a bucket. 26 May 2004. |

Outside. 26 May 2004. |

Outside. 1 May 2004. |

Outside. 1 March 2004. |

Sleep. 2 Februrary 2004. |

Angus is my friend. 31 January 2004. |

My turn with the stick. 31 January 2004. |

Outside for the first time. 3 December 2003. |

That face again. 15 November 2003. |

What a beautiful face. 4 November 2003. |

On the day we got her. 4 Novermber 2003. |