
Water Testing

I am not particularly religious when it comes to testing water parameters and can go for months without testing anything. This is mainly because the tanks are stable and with auto top-off, the parameters change very little. In Summer I test a little more often because with the extra heat, the temperatures can be a little high plus evaporation can lead to swings in specific gravity as well as pH (due to the Kalkwasser top-off).


For temperature, I use a digital thermometer from Dick Smith Electronics. I have checked it against a reliable mercury thermometer (used for photographics) and I believe the readings are accurate. I have tried various brands of digital aquarium thermometes, the type where you leave the probe in the tank, but most have had unreliable results and the degree of error is not always the same.

Specific Gravity

I have been using a refractometer to test specific gravity for a number of years. While they may be a little more expensive that hydrometers, they are significantly more reliable and can be used to test th specific gravity in bag water with fish or invertebrates as only a couple of drops are required.


I got sick of testing pH with test kits and trying to match the colours a number of years ago and I now use a digital probe from Corning: Chek-Mite™ pH-20 pH Tester. The probe has to be calibrated before use but the calibration lasts for a few days. I calibrate using pH 7.0 standard from Hanna Instruments and home made pH 9.2 standard using Borax as documented by Dr Craig Bingman here: 20 Mule Team to the Rescue...Again.


For testing alkalinity, I find the kit from Salifert to be easy to use and fairly reliable.


For testing calcium, I find the kit from Salifert to be easy to use and fairly reliable.


For testing magnesium, I find the kit from Salifert to be easy to use and fairly reliable.


I only ever test ammonia when setting up a new tank - which isn't very often. I used a Salifert kit.


I don't have a nitrite kit and don't bother testing nitrite. The only time nitrite will be present in a tank is during the initial break-in period and after that it should always be undetectable. Note that nitrite is not particularly toxic in seawater and can be pretty much ignored.


I have been using a Salifert kit for testing nitrate but hope to get a photometer soon.


I have recently purchased a low range phosphate photometer from Martini Instruments (Mi412). This has a range from 0.00 to 2.50 mg/L and an accuracy of +/- 0.04 mg/L at 1.00 mg/L.


Milwaukee Instruments ORP meter.

Last updated: January 3, 2006

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