
Crushed Marble

Coral sand is getting hard to come by in Australia and as it is taken from near coral reefs, environmentally friendly alternatives should be sought. One such alternative is crushed marble. Marble is the metamorphic form of limestone which is calcium carbonate, the relics of coral reefs gone by. It is available it various sizes from ultra fine - known as "pool dust" - up to sizes that can be used in calcium carbonate reactors.

One source for crushed marble in Sydney is:

    Mini Crete Pty Ltd
    17 Chapel Street
    Lakemba, NSW 2195
    02 9740 5722
In Melbourne, it is available from: Here are some pictures of the various sizes purchased from Mini Crete Pty Ltd:

    "Pool Dust"

    Size 00

The above two should be compared to fine coral sand:

    Fine Coral Sand
Size 5 is suitable for calcium carbonate reactors:

    Size 5
Please note the marble is a lot whiter than it appears in these photographs.

The prices I paid (in 2001) per 25 kg bag are as follows:

    "Pool Dust" $6.15
    Size 00 $8.25
    Size 5 $7.92

Last updated: 28 August 2009

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