
Raising Brine Shrimp

My methods for raising brine shrimp (Artemia sp.) are based very much on the methods documented by RayJay with small modifications for convenience or lack of availability of components.

The Equipment

Water Bath

To keep the hatching containers at the right temperature you need a water bath. I use the same water bath for hatching and growing brine shrimp. The bath is simply a polystyrene box, with water and a heater. The box I used I got from an LFS and it is what they receive their shipments in. It is filled* with freshwater and I have a small 75W heater set to around 25°C.

* Note it is only full of water once the hatching and grow out containers are in bath.

Growout Container

The growout container I use is an empty Instant Ocean bucket. These hold around 30L of water.

Last updated: November 16, 2004

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